under an arrangement entered into by us with nissl corp. in 1994, we are licenced to market the software in china読み方
- under an arrangement entered into by us with nissl corp. in 1994, we are licenced to market the software in chinaの英語:わが社が 1994 年ニッスル社と取り結んだ協定によりわが社は中国でそのソフトウェアを売り出す認可を得ている.
- under an arrangement entered into by us with nissl corp. in 1994, we are licenced to market the software in chinaの意味:わが社が 1994 年ニッスル社と取り結んだ協定によりわが社は中国でそのソフトウェアを売り出す認可を得ている.